Beavers Bend, Broken Bow OK Grocery Store

Where is the nearest Beavers Bend/Broken Bow, OK grocery store?

This is one of our most frequently asked questions from our Beavers Bend cabin visitors. You probably think a small, tourist town like Broken Bow, OK does not have an upscale grocery store…You’re wrong!

Pruett’s Food is located on South Park Drive and is convenient for Broken Bow Lake cabin visitors arriving from Dallas-Fort Worth. They feature locally grown vegetables and fruits. and have the premiere deli in the Beavers Bend State Park area. Our Mountain Vista guests rave about their outstanding selection of quality meats.

Pruett’s Food,  is your one-stop shop for all the groceries you will need while visiting Broken Bow, OK. They are located only about 10 minutes from Beavers Bend State Park.

When visiting Mountain Vista cabin, you will find our Beavers Bend, Broken Bow OK grocery store rivals anything available in a major city. Visit them on your next trip to our beautiful Ouachita National Forest.

By Jerry Isbell